What we do
We work with young people between the ages of 8 to 24. We manage community centres on behalf of Sanctuary Housing and Concorde & Stoke Newington Youth Club on behalf of Young Hackney. We also provide training and adult learning opportunities for those seeking employment, advice and support.
We provide a place for young people, that’s not school and not home, to support them to develop the services they need to increase their skills and confidence. Open to the whole community, our work focuses on young people who are not in education, training or employment to motivate and encourage them.
Ensure young people’s voices are at the heart of all the projects. We also work with young people identified by members of the community, youth support members and other organisations as at risk of offending.
Our objectives
Nurture a combination of personal and pastoral support.
Introduce exciting activities which can be performed in a secure, caring and respectful environment.
Provide a safe place for them to hang out, and caring staff to listen and support them.
Ensure young people’s voices are at the heart of all the projects.
Making a Difference
We work with all the children and young people to create an action plan that identifies skills they want to develop and the aspirations and dreams they want to achieve.
Young people are involved in deciding how the centre is run and in choosing, planning, delivering and evaluating all the projects.
Activities we provide
We manage a programme of different projects for different age groups from midday until the late evening. This includes:
Music DJ’ing, MC’ing and building a sound system
Employment skills
Video production
Personal, social and health education
Trips and days out
Chilling out with friends
Free play
Organized sports
Information Technology
Arts Numeracy, literacy and key skills support
Working Together
All our work with children and young people is conducted on an individual or group work basis and where appropriate their parents and carers to maximising opportunities to develop, and enable flourishing and success.
We’re developing our programme of activities. Some of these are listed below:
Employment Preparation
These workshops aim to give participants the skills and confidence to apply for jobs and the training young people desire. A combination of qualified staff (MBA) and (HAVE) collaborate to provide workshops that covers:
Interview skills
CV preparation
Action plans
Job search with internet research.
Access to advice on benefits and financial support
Life Skills
Discussion groups that aim to present young people with facts and information related to current issues of concern or interest. These workshops consist of:
Sexual health
Drug and alcohol Awareness
These workshops are delivered by people who possess a number of years working in a variety of professional fields. CHYPS (City and Hackney Young People Services), HYPE (Hackney Young People Education) and a Connexions Personal Advisor help to deliver the workshops together with other members of staff.
Youth Achievement
Emanuel Farinre
Graduated from Cambridge University in Land Economy, he has been attending Concorde for 7yrs and has always desired to go to Cambridge. He thanked Concorde staff for their continuous support before and during his studies. Emanuel is also a member of Concorde Youth Board, we are very proud of him. Congratulations on your achievement.
Concorde Centre
Concorde Centre for Young People was established in 1964. In 2001 the Concorde Centre for young People Management Committee transferred some of the management of youth work to Hackney Marsh Partnership. In 2002 Concorde Centre reopened following a 2 year hiatus. Today the Concorde Centre is the base for an extensive programme of youth work. Click HERE to see what's on.
Stoke Newington
In 2015 Hackney Masrh Partnership took over the mangaement of Stoke Newington. Click HERE to see what's on.